Saturday, 5 January 2008

The best Christmas present ever!

When my boss told me that we were closing the office for nearly 3 weeks over Christmas, I said to him, "what am I going to do for 3 weeks!" yes, the workaholic in me was terrified. Seeing as I have at least 4 blog posts of updates to do, I think it's fairly safe to say that I managed to fill the time pretty easily!
I spent my first couple of days hanging out with friends on the beach and Christmas shopping, then the real holiday began with a trip to Makeni. Kate, my room mate had her mum visiting, so I hitched a ride with them to Makeni which is a town in the North of Salone where some of my good friends live. Two of them, Diya and Grant, were to be my travelling companions for the next two weeks, so it was a great start to our holiday to hang out for a night in their homes. Also my twin brother, ABJ was there which was cool, even though he is my neighbour in Freetown, it was good to catch up with him somewhere else.

Whilst we were shopping at the market for lapa, Grant and I spotted an ocada driver with a tiny puppy. He offered to sell it to us for Le 5000 (about GBP 1) and as this was our Christmas present spending limit, Grant was going to buy it for me! Kate, quite rightly, stopped us from this crazy act, but it was still the best Christmas present ever, as it's the closest I've ever been to owning a dog! Then the next morning, my sister called me from Australia. It was so great to talk to her and I was very excited! In fact, I even cried, which is the first time I've cried about anything since leaving the UK. I must miss her!!! So basically, my Christmas was already the greatest ever before the travels even began!
I'll write more about what I actually did soon... and put some photos on too!!

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