Wednesday, 12 December 2007

Sentimental drivel and chimpanzees

Before I came here, I did warn everyone that there was a chance I would be bad at this blog lark and that it would end up just being sentimental drivel about chimpanzees. Well…last night, I went to a very strange place… it was the IMATT HQ in Sierra Leone and I went there to watch a National Geographic film documentary about the CHIMPANZEE sanctuary, Tacaguma, which is about an hour from Freetown. This evening was fun for several reasons (a) I got to watch a film on a projector. I’ve not watched anything like that for weeks (b) I like chimpanzees (c) lots of my friends were there and (d) I got to talk to some of the people who work at the chimp sanctuary and they told me all about the animals.

However, it was also a really strange night because it was like going back to England. I swear, I was looking down one of the ‘streets’ on the complex and I could have been looking at a suburban cul-de-sac with it’s streetlights and shrubs and little houses. It was a very strange experience and not one that I liked. The other absolutely insane thing is that, in a massive complex, in an international organisation, Krystle and I had to use the mens toilets because we were told there was no ladies (thank you Julian for guarding the door for us!). Gender mainstreaming failing miserably.

So, as much as I enjoyed the company, the film and the trip to ‘England’ I was very happy last night to get a lift back down the hill in the boot of my friend’s vehicle, eat some chicken soup (thank you Julian again) and head by candlelight to my bedroom for a good sleep. Sadly though, I didn’t dream about chimpanzees, but about shopping for shoes…!!!!

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